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Sneaky Snacks

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Woman eating popcorn out of glass bowl

Most people assume that snacks labeled “healthy” are safe after bariatric surgery. However, certain snacks can lead to discomfort, digestive issues, or possibly weight regain if we’re not careful. Below, we have created a list of a few sneaky snacks that might seem harmless or healthy but are less-than-healthy choices.


This is often considered a light, low-calorie snack – and it is! However, it may not be the best choice after surgery. It expands in the stomach, which can potentially cause discomfort and even dumping syndrome, an uncomfortable condition where food moves too quickly through the digestive system. This can lead to nausea, cramping, and diarrhea. If you choose to enjoy popcorn, do so in very small amounts and see how your body tolerates it. Also, choose a low-fat and low-sodium option for overall health benefits.

Protein Bars

Protein is an essential nutrient, especially after bariatric surgery. Protein bars are convenient, but many contain added sugar, making them more of a candy bar than a healthy snack. This can lead to sugar spikes, dumping syndrome, and empty calorie intake. Look for bars with low sugar (5 grams or less per serving) and higher protein content (at least 15 grams). Make sure the protein bar has a small list of ingredients.

Granola and Trail Mix

These snacks may appear healthy due to their fiber content, but they often contain added oils and chocolate, making them very calorie-dense. For bariatric patients, even a small portion can have several hundred calories. Homemade granola and trail mix are much healthier (and cheaper!). Always enjoy trail mix in small portions—about ¼ or a small handful.

Dried Fruit

Dehydrated fruit is packed with nutrients and is a tasty way to get in extra fiber, but it’s also highly concentrated in sugar. This can be problematic after bariatric surgery, especially if you’re trying to avoid dumping syndrome. Ensure dried fruit is portioned to just a ¼ cup, like trail mix. Fresh fruit is usually a better choice, providing fiber and hydration without the extra sugars.

Flavored Yogurt

Yogurt (make sure it’s Greek!) is a great source of protein and probiotics, though flavored varieties often contain high amounts of added sugars (noticing a trend here?). For a lower-sugar option, try plain Greek yogurt with fresh fruit or a dash of cinnamon and honey. You could also choose a flavored Greek yogurt with stevia or another low-calorie sweetener.

Rice Cakes

Rice cakes are low in calories but offer very little nutritional value, which can lead to overeating since you won’t feel satisfied. Like popcorn, rice cakes can also expand in the stomach and cause discomfort. Adding nut butter and fruit to rice cakes may be a better option—but only if they’re well-tolerated after surgery.

Pretzels and Crackers

These may seem like healthy snacks, but they’re often made with refined carbs that lack nutritional benefits and can cause blood sugar spikes. They’re also low in protein, meaning they won’t keep you full for long and may lead to overeating, just like the rice cakes. Look for high-fiber, whole-grain options, or skip them altogether for something higher in protein.

Fruit Juices and Smoothies

It may seem obvious, but these snacks are worth noting, especially with their rising popularity. Juice is very high in sugar and very low in fiber—it’s basically soda. Smoothies may be a good option if made at home and not from a restaurant. A healthy smoothie recipe includes fresh fruit, milk, or Greek yogurt for protein and other low-sugar ingredients for extra flavor.

After bariatric surgery, your body is still healing and adjusting, so it’s important to be selective with snacks to avoid digestive issues. While some snacks may seem harmless, they can lead to discomfort or hinder your progress if they are high in sugars, refined carbs, or unhealthy fats. By choosing snacks that are low in sugar, rich in protein, and minimally processed, you can enjoy satisfying options that align with your post-surgery health goals. When in doubt, consult your healthcare provider or dietitian to ensure you make the best choices for your new lifestyle.

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