Your first consultation represents a very important start to the weight loss surgery process. You will have been introduced to one or more practices by attending a weight loss seminar. And while attending a bariatric seminar offers a degree of insight into the options, benefits, and risks of each bariatric procedure, it is not it does not mean that you necessarily qualify for bariatric surgery. In fact, several tests to evaluate your suitability for surgery will be performed in the lead up to the procedure itself. The first step in that process, is to sit down with a bariatric surgeon for a consultation.
What To Expect
During your consultation, you and your surgeon will delve deeply into the suitability of bariatric surgery and determine which weight loss procedure is best for you. After reviewing your medical history and goals, you and your surgeon will develop expected outcomes in terms of weight loss and obesity-related disease resolution. Even more than that, however, this first consultation represents the beginning of a long-term relationship between you and the practice. This relationship will not end when the surgery does. Rather, it will continue for many years after surgery in the form of regular follow-up appointments and support groups. The practice will be a resource to help you celebrate your achievements and work through the inevitable challenges along the way.
Be Honest
You can make the most of your first consultation by coming prepared to have a candid discussion about your life as it is now and where you want to be in the future. The more you share about your physical and emotional struggles with obesity, the more they can help tailor a plan to assist you in achieving your goals. And don’t be afraid to share your feelings. The weight loss process is as much an emotional one as it is physical.
We can’t stress enough how important this first consultation will be. And part of any successful weight loss program is an amazing support team. In that context you should consider the practice you choose to be a part of your extended family as they will be there with you from the beginning and long into the future.